Thursday, 5 July 2018

(Self-)Published Work: A Progress Report

After my first chapbook - L'orchidée noctambule [The Night Orchid] - was published by Frédéric Maire Press-stances in 1995, then the second - Troubadour nonchalant - [Nonchalant Troubadour] at the same press in 1997, and after I came across and worked with Dr Teresinka Pereira and the International Writers Association, since I had quite a number of work written between 1992 and 1997, I decided to self-publish these short collections as supplements to the journal Mauvaise graine. That's how Rêves de l'ici... [Dreams from the Here...], Rex et le cyclope [Rex and the Cyclop], Les observatoires nocturnes [Night Observatories] and L'horizon des peupliers [The Horizon of the Poplar Trees] were self produced and published in the second half of the 1990s.

Other collections were published long after they had been written:

The French journal Dégaine ta rime published Théologie (1999) in 2009, its English translation was published in the digital journal Blue & Yellow Dog Winter 2012 as Theology.

Jean et ses chiens (1997), under its English title - John and His Dogs - was published in 2011, first as a downloadable e-chapbook from the American journal Poetry Super Highway by Rick Luppert, then by mgv2>publishing.

The collection Les chants du malaise (1994-95) was published by Le chasseur abstrait in the July 2011 issue of Revue d'art et littérature, musique. Its English translation can be found here.

Oxydations [Oxidations] (1993-94) was published online by the journal L'Etre in 2012.

Les engelures pendulaires (1993-94) was first published by the American journal e.ratio in 2012 as The Pendulum Chilblains, then in French in Les cahiers de poésie the same year.

The triptych: La naissance des anges [The Angels' Birth], Deux anges sous la lune [Two Angels Under the Moon] and Au sortir de la nuit [Out of the Night] (1995-97), written during and after my relationship with British artist Craig John McCafferty, who illustrated the first issues of Mauvaise graine, was published through mgv2>publishing in 2012 as Etranges anges anglais [Strange English Angels].

Other short groups of poems written in the 1990s have never been published as whole books though a lot of poems from these were published worldwide either in French or in their English translations. Ramparts Under the Moon, Snow Can Wait, White Masks, and the triptych Ten years Later, He's Looking through the Window and To Walk which also take their source of inspiration a relationship which was quite long and full of experiences more or less nice to go through. NB: To Walk was published in issue 28 of the Australian-based online journal Otoliths

Of course, since 2011, a great number of my collections both in French and English have been published (see my bibliography on the left hand-side).

The work and links published on this blog, those who will be in the future, constitute a group of work published in various venues between 1995 and 2010. My first thought was to stop at the year 2000. After pondering and observing acutely these groups of poems, it appeared that my second stage as a poet started from 2010 and not 2000. It corresponds to a brutal experience, a trauma I was able to pu into verses: my life experience in Mayotte (the Comoros, Indian Ocean).

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