Press-stances, June: L'enterrement
Press-stances, September: Engrenage corporel
L’orchidée noctambule - éditions Press-stances
Press-stances, December: Traduction de Edgar Allan Poe, Le pays des rêves + Reviews
Press-stances, March: Zelda (long poem) + Reviews
Libellé, March: J'ai compté les larmes/d'un millier d'hommes... + Alexandra Berdah's Review on L'orchidée noctambule
Inédit, May: Des cendres dans le coeur...
Press-stances, June: Alpha + Reviews
Press-stances, September: Masques blancs excerpts + Reviews
Press-stances, January: Eternité + Reviews
Space Unconsciousness - IWA
Press-stances, April: Trou crasseux + Reviews
Mauvaise graine: June, Fireflies (supplement) Unabsolved Nights (supplement)
Troubadour nonchalant - éditions Press-Stances
Train de nuit, December: La naissances des anges 1, 2 et 3
Axolotl, Spring: Interview by Julien Burri, C'est l'heure des beaux mecs
L’horizon des peupliers - éditions Mauvaise graine
Libellé, May: Une autre saison vient nous ensevelir... extrait de L'horizon des peupliers.
Axolotl, Autumn Press review of Troubadour nonchalant by Yves Erdon
Libellé, November 1998: Une boîte en fer/ c'est l'armoire de nos souvenirs...
Proscrit, January: Traversée, Le petit poucet..., Dans les yeux du garçon..., Moi, le troubadour..., Le canard à l'orange, Sofia
Nouvelle plume, February: Dilettante
Axolotl, Spring: Après (Masques blancs)
Axolotl, Autumn: Le regard
Ombrages, November: Ne pas savoir ce que l'on veut...
Libellé, January: Les couleurs de la nuit… Dix ans après.
Proscrit, April: Dans les antres de la faim..., Ne servir à rien...
Axolotl, Spring: 11 poems from various collections
Axolotl, Autumn: Les nuits
Libellé, October: Les chants profonds... excerpt from Les observatoires nocturnes
Axolotl, Spring: Commune vie
Axolotl, Summer: Le regard
Axolotl, Autumn: La neige peut attendre (extraits)
Libellé, December: Le chat
Mots à maux, January: Réveil, L'autre ment, songe
Nouveaux délits, January: Siam
Traction-brabant, March: L'autre ment, songe
Nouveaux délits, March: traductions de Absantee, Strange Fish, Geppetto, Aryan Son,
Les hésitations d'une mouche, March: Siam
Magnapoets blog Out of the Night 6 02/04/07
Magnapoets blog The Angel's Birth 1 06/04/07
Magnapoets blog Snow Can Wait 9 14/04/07
Magnapoets blog Space Unconsciousness 1 20/04/07
Magnapoets blog Space Unconsciousness 2 23/04/07
Magnapoets blog Loretta 14/05/07
Magnapoets blog Many Slit-Opened Heads Later 19/07/07
Magnapoets blog Pencils 27/07/07
Magnapoets blog Kingdom of a Doomed King 21/08/07
Magnapoets blog The Pendulum Chilblains 9 31/08/07
Magnapoets blog Night Observatories 9 07/09/07
Magnapoets blog Masks 12/09/07
Magnapoets blog Green Days? 17/10/07
Magnapoets blog Pope Joan 06/11/07
Poetic Diversity, December: Zelda 1 (SOU 4)
Magnapoets blog Bath 11/01/08
Magnapoets blog John & His Dogs 8 10/02/08
Magnapoets blog Out of the Night 1 15/02/08
Magnapoets blog Rex & the Cyclops 9 26/02/08
Above Ground Testing 106, March: Rex & the Cyclop 2-13-14
Magnapoets blog The Songs of Unease 18 16/04/08
Magnapoets blog Snow Can Wait 6 22/04/08
Above Ground Testing 109, May: SOU 20
Ygdrasil, June: The Pendulum Chilblains 4-5-6
A Little Poetry, Fall: Geisha (JHD 2)
Magnapoets blog The Pendulum Chilblains 8 03/01/08
Le capital des mots, September/October: Bons baisers d'Euphor
Magnapoets blog The Pendulum Chilblain 1 28/12/08
Aesthetica Magazine, December-January 2008: Bath
Microbe, January-February: Le petit poucet, Sexwebvideos
Magnapoets blog Nights 16/02/09
Le capital des mots, juin 2009: Théologie (extraits)
Poetry Super Highway, September: The Angel's Birth 1 – With Love From Euphor
Dégaine ta rime, Spring: Théologie (full)
Magnapoets Journal, July: Essay (Writing in English as a 2nd language)
Magnapoets Journal, January: Editor of Free Verse and Form Bilingual Anniversary issue
Ancient Heart, January: Awakening
Ygdrasil, March: The Angel's Birth 1 – Psalmodic Ghost + Clasped ((Maore)
Ancient Heart, March: Bath
Poetry Super Highway – Yom Hashoah, May: Zelda (SOU 4)
John & His Dogs and Other Poems 0511: Poetry Super Highway Free E-Books For All + mgv2_publishing
Ancient Heart, May: With Love From Euphor
Static Movement, May: Neuralgia #5
Madswirl June 3: Night Observatories #2
Taj Mahal Review June: Back
The Montucky Review June: SOU 13
The Blinking Cursor July: Cave Canem (Maore)
Magnapoets Journal July: Monsoon (Maore)
RAL,M 73 July: Les chants du malaise (complete)
Madswirl July 18: Under the Black Roof #3
Mad Hatters' Review Blog July: SOU 1-2-3-20
Cyclamens and Swords summer: Chaïma, Moya (Maore)
Menopause Summer: Proud Bweni
Otoliths austral Winter: Helen's Owl and Army Shorts
Revival August: Saluvas (Maore)
Static Movement Summer: Neuralgia #4
Inclement Fall: Tracy & Silly Twit (England Suite)
Madswirl October 10: Night Observatories #17
Psychic Meatloaf: Hanged Woman
CITN (The PK) October: Pope Joan (SOU 22) – Zelda (SOU 25) – Bath – Kingdom of a Doomed King – Loretta – Günter – With Love from Euphor – Awakening – Clasped – An Awkward Tribute to Charles B. - Many Slit-Opened Heads Later
SubtleTea, Fall 2011: Ibsame
Blue & Yellow Dog Winter: Theology (complete)
Magnapoets January: Austral Winter – Dad’s Eightieth Birthday (Maore)
Rain Dogs issue 1, January: 1996 Recollection (England Suite)
Madswirl January 9: Ten Years Later #5
E.ratio Winter: Pendulum Chilblains (complete)
Ygdrasil March: NO 7-11
A Little Poetry Spring: The Stolen Star – The Whales (Maore)
Filthy Secret Books March: Zelda (fiction)
Touch Poetry Journal March: Defining the Concepts, Mammoth, In Another Waiting Room
Le capital des mots March: PMT 35, 36, 39
L'Etre March: Oxydations (intégral)
The Typing Tank April: Candy
The Gypsy Art Show April: article about Elizabeth Bishop and Les Machines de l'île.
Madswirl April 27: Night Observatories 19
Otoliths Austral Autumn: URP00
Bare Hands Poetry April: Wed the White Ceiling
Levure Littéraire May: PMT 5, 8, 11, 12, 15
My Beloved Sister – a collection May: PSH Great Ebooks Free For All
Cyclamens & Swords April: The Angels' Birth 17, Out of Phased Sonnet, Two Angels Under the Moon 1, Disturbed Sonnet
Gypsy at Artvilla May: If Red is the Colour
Poetry Super Highway May: The Visa
Gypsy Art Show May: Writing in English as a second Language (reprint, first published in Magnapoets July 2010)
Gypsy at Artvilla May: I Can't See the Mont
Traction-brabant 46 June: PMT 17
The Centrifugal Eye June: What Would G Be for Then? Space Unconsciousness 1 2012
Filthy Secret Books June: Mooning Over Rainy Days
FPDV June: Five poems with a selection of Norman J. Olson's work
Ecrits-Vains: PMT 40-41-42-43
Feather Lit June: The Potter
Inclement Summer: Night Observatories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 – Sandia – Gang Banga Bang – No-Beach Afternoon (Maore)
Vents alizés Summer: PMT 17, 20, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32
The Golden Triangle Summer: Littoral and Impact (flash fiction)
Feather Lit July: Threesome
Madswirl July 21: Brothers' Brothel
Rolling Thunder Press Summer: Phallocentric Verses, Justin Holes, The Dockwalker, A Blood Sucker's Last Night.
Requiem Magazine September: Snow Can Wait 1 – 2 – 6 – 9 – 14
Comme en poésie #51 September: PMT 2-3-9-10
Feather Lit September: Roses for Supper
Blue & Yellow Dog Fall: Night Observatories 13-14-15-16
Lummox Magazine November: Red are her Lips
Etranges anges anglais mgv2>publishing November
Poet & Geek November: Your Eyes Hues, Another Bleak House
Poet & Geek November: Gutenberg's Heirs & Gutenberg's Heirs: The Sequels
Pyrokinection November: Concrete Stairs, November Children
The Mind[less] Muse November: Late Epiphanies
Les Cahiers de poésie December: Les engelures pendulaires (intégral)
Ascent Aspirations December: “Cables and Fuses” Oxidations
Poetic Diversity December: The Bowler Hat – Another Appointment
Flutter Poetry Journal December: Keeping Couched
Madswirl December 22: Hills Filled with Fright
Rolling Thunder Press, Winter: Graveyard, Taz in my Ass, Great Balls of Fire, The Castrated Goblin, The Changelling
Delit de poésie December: The Divine Earthling/La divine terrienne
The Reprint Poetry Magazine, December: Fireflies
Gypsy Artvilla, December: I Wish It Would Snow for Christmas
Nouveaux délits 44 1er trimestre: PMT 1-4-6-7-10-13-14
North Chicago Review January: Saluvas
Le livre à disparaître January: Deux anges 29, 30, 31, 32, Un samedi soir de plus, Chants du malaise 2, 11, 23
Otoliths Austral Summer: To Walk
Maore (From Mayotte) followed by England Suite – Lapwing Publications
Vents alizés February: $hare, Sur un coup de tête, Observatoires nocturnes complete
Yello Mama February: Outing
Requiem February: Genesis Revisited
Traction-brabant 50 January: La visa [The Visa]
Landes: Les nuits de jais (un extrait)
Le capital des mots February: Ereinté [Overwrought Self], L'escalier en béton [Concrete Staircase], Nous chions dans l'eau clair [We Shit in Clean Water]
Traversées January: PMT 34-39
Carmine Carnival – Lazarus Media
Poised in Flight KHP Anthology April: A Wing Can Cover... & PMT 3
A New Ulster May: Disgust, The Loss, Infatuating Tune
Futures Trading May: The Loss, Infatuating Tune, Oxen
Chicago Literati May: Cold Mornings, Revisiting Tracy, Your Left Buttock
Comme en poésie June: L'horizon des peupliers
Traction-brabant July: Red are her Lips – Ses lèvres rouges
A Little Poetry, Summer/Fall: The Moulding, An Eight-Month Winter, Bereft
Madswirl August 12: From Below I Call
Pyrokinection: Three, Four, Five Times Thirteen
Deep Water Literary Journal: September Father's Day
Colours Journal: September Seven Times Thirteen, Eight Times Thirteen, Resurgence
Inclement September: What Hides in the Bathroom Drawer, Crusty Dusk and Another Day Out.
Hirschworth: September: Continuum
Poetic Diversity November: Black Coffined Things
Lummox, Autumn: The Soil
The Weekenders Magazine: October: Filth, Nine Times Thirteen
3:am: Ghost Trees, We Slip in Spit, Making Zoran Come
Poésie première: PMT 26
The Laughing Dog Fall: A Cycle, Here We Go Again
Futures Trading, November: One Time Thirteen
Traction-brabant December: Keeping Couched, Rester couché
Rolling Thunder Magazine Winter: Turkish Delights, Don't You Want more than my Sex? You were Wild.
MadHat's Review, January: Bring It Close to My Lips, Touchstone
Conversation with a Christmas Bulb, Kind of a Hurricane Press, January: Tannenbaüm
Aberration Labyrinth, February: I Want the Toilet Paper Roll to Dance with Me
Deep Water Literary Journal, Spring: Remembrance, Terylene Cuddling
The Loss February - Flutter Press
Space & Time Magazine, April: Neuralgia 8
Storm Cycle Anthology, April: Three Times Thirteen
Poetic Diversity, April: It Has Come to Light
Full of Crow, April: The Gods They Have
Ancient Heart, May: Wed the White Ceiling
Midnight Circus, Spring “Rejected Dreams”: The Water Lily and the Orchid
Le capital des mots, May: Lupanar, La tendreté est un mot de boucher, Bouche d'égout en cœur
Sipay, Spring: Snow Can Wait excerpts
Twelve Times Thirteen - Kind of a Hurricane Press
Midnight Circus, Summer “Invasion & Occupation”: An Eastern Threat
Shadows & Light, July: Whipping Past
Pyrokinection, June: The Rain Bows Down & A Bowling Bowl in My Stomach
Perspective Lit Mag, July: Slag Pit
Traction-brabant, July: Le feu passe à l'orange, Les lits des soirs de pluie
Journal de mes paysages Summer 2014: Le vol des goëlands
Revue méninge numéro 1: Virilité
A Little Poetry, Fall/Winter: Documents and Pages, Poem
Electric Rather, August: I'm Still Alive – Concrete Stairs Revisited
Madswirl, October 29: Arty Artichoke Heart
Poetic diversity, November: Bay Windows
Lummox, November: Your Dragon Needs Slaying
PMT Post Mayotte Trauma - mgv2>publishing
Madswirl, December 27: A Bottle of Jack's
Crossing Puddles, Robocup Press
Five Poetry Magazine Volume 2 Issue 4: Sometimes You're Nothing But Meat – The Charts of Pain – The Rain Has to Separate from Itself – The Seven Lords of Time – The Throat of the Loons
Aberration Labyrinth February: You Gave Him Your Blood
Sybaritic Press, Rubicon: Work Inspired by Oscar Wilde's De Profundis Anthology: The Last Supper & Accommodation of a Sort
Deep Water Literary Journal August Issue: The Lips of the Wolf and Distorted Echo
Nude Bruce Review August Issue: Sapiens Sucks
Madswirl August 18: Obliquity
A New Ulster #38 November: Mismatch, Heath Lowered, Slapstick
Pyrokinection November: Obfuscating Windows and Panting
Danse Macabre November: An Elusive Whore, The Magpies Have Come, Christened
The Laughing Dog # 24 December: Take On, Take To
Panoply # 2 December: Incubate
Madswirl January 2: The World Map
Journal de mes paysages #3, avril, extraits de Naoned
poeticdiversity, November: Absolve
The Night Orchid, January: Congratulate
poeticdiversity, April: Impeccable
Cabaret, juin: éditorial
Les hésitations d’une mouche, juin: Sofia
Civilisé - Urtica
Donner de la voix (Cathy Garcia-Canalès chaîne Youtube), lecture de trois poèmes de Civilisé: Lupanar, La tendreté est un mot de boucher et Bouche d'égout en cœur
Madswirl August 13: Nude in the Dune
Traction-Brabant août: Le vol des goélands, Bons baisers d’Euphor
Urtica, November: Poem
The Songs of Unease - Urtica [ebook]
Night Observatories/Les observatoires nocturnes - Urtica [ebook]
A New Ulster, February: Her Art & A Gun Pointed to the Stomach
Futures Trading, February: We Progress in a Septic Area (translated from the French “Nous évoluons dans un milieu septique” from Civilisé)
Madswirl, 7 March: Living with a Ghost
erbacce, April: A Bath of Glitter, Grow Me Some Wine, Reason Guarded by the Wise
Scryptic, June: It’s Raining Dead Birds, Road 6009 and Whorehouse
Madswirl, 3 July: Swapping Pronouns
John and his Dogs & Other Poems - Beakful [ebook] 2nd edition
Névralgies - Urtica [ebook]
Le capital des mots, July: Commencer, Bow Window, Cœur d’artichaut artiste
Fandango - Urtica
madswirl, September 3: The Suicidal Decadencies 1
Ygdrasil, September: Cables and Fuses
JDMP, September: numéro collector de la revue (2013-2018)
Traction-Brabant, September: Mémoire tampon et Recevoir
Veil: Journal of Darker Musings, November: Fade to Grey 2018
CITN, November 2018: We Will Be Moles, A Reminiscence from No Past of Mine, Castrated Couple, Sapiens Sucks II, To Be a Tree, Yellow Wipe, Obfuscating Windows, Panting, The World Map, Sapiens Sucks
poeticdiversity, November: Fireflies, Forklift Truck
Poèmes 1993-2001 - Urtica
Urtica, décembre: J’attends l’obscurité
FPM, décembre: Dans une autre salle d’attente
Traversées, janvier: Les pies sont là
Furtives, janvier: La route est longue (Dix ans après #5)
madswirl Feb 2: The Hole
Post Mayotte Trauma, second edition – Beakful
poeticdiversity, April: Leprechaun
Poppy Road Review, April: The South
Synchronised chaos, April: The Key, Filth No More, Silence is the Loudest Scorn, and Rear Lights
Oddball Magazine, May: A Screwdriver Right in the Heart
Horror Sleaze Trash, May: From the Depths
Gondal Heights: A Brontë Tribute Anthology, May: Alexander
Madswirl, June 20: The Levelling Reaper
poeticdiversity, November: Ten Years Later #1
Madswirl, December: Tannenbaum
Madswirl, January: Europa
Danse Macabre, June: Dead Leaves, I’m Waiting for the Dark, Nightmare, Oyster Nebula, and Seasons in Hell
Madswirl, July 10: Time to Escape
Alien Buddha Press: one poem from Neuralgia
Yellow Mama, October: In Another Waiting Room, Many Surprises, and Innocent Blood.
Veil Journal, November: A Blood Sucker’s Last Night
Horror Sleaze Trash, November: Lube Tube
Bowie Tribute Poetry Anthology: Let’s Dance
madswirl, September 3: The Suicidal Decadencies 1
Ygdrasil, September: Cables and Fuses
JDMP, September: numéro collector de la revue (2013-2018)
Traction-Brabant, September: Mémoire tampon et Recevoir
Veil: Journal of Darker Musings, November: Fade to Grey 2018
CITN, November 2018: We Will Be Moles, A Reminiscence from No Past of Mine, Castrated Couple, Sapiens Sucks II, To Be a Tree, Yellow Wipe, Obfuscating Windows, Panting, The World Map, Sapiens Sucks
poeticdiversity, November: Fireflies, Forklift Truck
Poèmes 1993-2001 - Urtica
Urtica, décembre: J’attends l’obscurité
FPM, décembre: Dans une autre salle d’attente
Traversées, janvier: Les pies sont là
Furtives, janvier: La route est longue (Dix ans après #5)
madswirl Feb 2: The Hole
Post Mayotte Trauma, second edition – Beakful
poeticdiversity, April: Leprechaun
Poppy Road Review, April: The South
Synchronised chaos, April: The Key, Filth No More, Silence is the Loudest Scorn, and Rear Lights
Oddball Magazine, May: A Screwdriver Right in the Heart
Horror Sleaze Trash, May: From the Depths
Gondal Heights: A Brontë Tribute Anthology, May: Alexander
Madswirl, June 20: The Levelling Reaper
poeticdiversity, November: Ten Years Later #1
Madswirl, December: Tannenbaum
Madswirl, January: Europa
Danse Macabre, June: Dead Leaves, I’m Waiting for the Dark, Nightmare, Oyster Nebula, and Seasons in Hell
Madswirl, July 10: Time to Escape
Alien Buddha Press: one poem from Neuralgia
Yellow Mama, October: In Another Waiting Room, Many Surprises, and Innocent Blood.
Veil Journal, November: A Blood Sucker’s Last Night
Horror Sleaze Trash, November: Lube Tube
Bowie Tribute Poetry Anthology: Let’s Dance
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