Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Onanism | Self-indulgence

The Secret Companion, R J Brodie London, 1845
‘The Last Stage of Mental & Bodily Exhaustion from Onanism or Self-pollution’

Walter est à la fois un poète jeune et riche de pas mal d’années de fréquentation de la poésie contemporaine, puisqu’il anime notamment Mgversion2datura, son webzine depuis une quinzaine d’années, qui comprend à présent plus de 70 numéros. Et l’indépendance d’esprit naturelle de Walter le conduit à loucher vers la poésie d’ailleurs, l’anglo-saxonne, pays d’îles et parfois de soleil, à travers ses traductions et ses poèmes qu’il nous retourne comme autant de preuves de son amour de la liberté.

Walter is both a young and experienced poet as regard his commitment to contemporary poetry as he has been editing the journal mgversion2>datura since 1996. His natural independent mind drives him to look at the poetry from other parts of the world, mostly poetry in English, from these lands of islands and sun sometimes, a poetry he translates and renders to us as many proofs of his yearning for freedom.

Patrice Maltaverne, French publisher, reviewer and poet. Edits the journal Traction-Brabant and runs Editions du Citron noir.


Walter Ruhlman est un écrivain et un poète, poète à la sauce anglo saxonne, c'est à dire incompris ou ignoré des milieux poétiques français qui n'apprécient pas la poésie du réel peut-être, la poésie du vivre une vie d'homme dans toutes ses dimensions, fort nombreuses et fort riches par ailleurs, sans qu'il soit besoin d'aller chercher on ne sait quoi, on ne sait où, qui "ferait plus poétique". Walter a une plume suffisamment déployée pour puiser autant à la beauté du langage qu'à la crudité de l'existence. Sa propre existence qui lui sert de terreau de création et il n'hésite pas à appeler un chat, une chatte et une queue, une queue. Pour autant, il est loin du nombrilisme caractéristique de bon nombre d'auteurs, il aime et s'intéresse notamment, mais pas que, par le biais de sa revue mgversion2datura, au travail des autres, même si celui-ci n'est pas forcément sa tasse de thé, mais il a l'esprit comme la plume, large et ouvert, l'étroitesse étant réservée sans doute à des plaisirs plus intimes et surtout privés.

Walter Ruhlmann is a writer and a poet definitely turned toward poetry in the English language, that is to say misunderstood or ignored by French poetry circles that do not like real life poetry maybe, poetry of living a man's life in all its dimensions, with so many of them and so rich by the way, without the need to go and fetch whatever, wherever, that would make it more “poetic”. Walter's pen is wide enough to dig as much beauty in the language as crudeness in the existence. His own existence is his creative soil and he does not hesitate to call a puss a pussy and a dick a dick. Yet, he stands away from the common, self-centered authors. Through his journal mgversion2datura, he, especially but not only, likes and is interested in the others' work, even if it's not always his cup of tea, but his mind reflects his pen: it is wide and open – stinginess being certainly kept for more intimate and rather private pleasures.

Cathy Garcia, visual artist, poet and editor of Nouveaux délits. &


Walter Ruhlmann is a poet who writes with wit and intelligence.  His poetry is vivid and accessible full of sharp bright images that invite you into his world and then takes you down roads that trick, amuse and surprise. He sits a little outside of mainstream in so far as his poetry is not trite or obvious, he is someone I enjoy reading and one of those names I look for when a magazine drops through the door.
Jim Bennett, poet, editor of The Poetry Kit website


Walter Ruhlmann is a poet of intersecting universes, a connoisseur and composer of watchful nights, a procreator and juggler of  sensual and philosophical discoveries. The gravitational field of his poetry unfolds like the appeal of an ocean echoing the voices of never ceasing questions and restless doubts. His multi-faceted, simultaneously classical and avant-garde oeuvre is a constant impelling force to dedicate our lives to perfecting our perceptive and transcendental worlds while incorporating the tangible, bodily realms as well in order to become the carnal apotheosis of millenary poetical quests.
Károly Sándor Pallai, editor in chief of Vents alizés (Seychelles)


In his poetry Walter surprises with the oddest observations and turns of phrase. Whether R-rated, alliterative or sculpted for visual form, Walter’s lines – even at their most dramatic – ring genuine. From CARMINE CARNIVAL I get the sense that he’s a probing watcher and a sensitive ruminator, to the point of discomfort while treading over the gravesites of souls long gone. Walter’s work on the mgversion2>datura journal is impressive, to say the least. It’s obvious that a lot of time and care go into its production, and many artists have benefited from Walter’s dedication, expertise and nose for talent. I’m pleased to know him and his work.
David Herrle - SubtleTea Editor

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